Aug 19, 2016

Check Out Google "DUO" Video Calling App That Makes Video Calls To Multiple Operating Systems

Google Duo app

Hello Video Call Lovers!

Google has remembered you by introducing an application that would make your video calling experience smoother!

Recently Google produced an app Called "DUO" and that's what we're here to briefly talk about.

Google duo video calling

Duo is a video calling app that has all the main features you would expect and even more.
This app works across operating systems as it can be used to make video calls with an iPhone user via an Android Phone which makes it better than the iOS FaceTime app, which could only be used to make video calls to a device of the same operating system.

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Duo app is available for both Android and iOS on their respective App stores.

I personally think you should try out this application and give us your review of it via the comment box. Google, always on point with new innovations.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.

1 comment:

  1. Am now using this app though i think it needs to be updated soon.


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