Oct 18, 2016

Auto-Posting Site " TwitterFeed " Would No Longer Be Available By 31st Oct


Hello Bloggers in the House, I just want to share with you the news that you would no longer be able to use Twitterfeed to auto-share your blog posts to Facebook and other social media as they would be shutting down their services by 31st of this month.

Twitterfeed services shutdown

They did not only announce the service closure but they also adviced and recommended two auto-posting sites you should switch to since they would be stopping their services this month so they have advised that you switch to any of auto-posting sites below;

1.***** Buffer

Twitterfeed alternative

Buffer is one of the auto-posting sites that Twitterfeed has recommended you switch to in order to continue your auto-posting to social media's quest.

2.***** Dlvr

Auto-posting services

This is another auto-posting site recommended by Twitterfeed, I'm sure you would love it as it auto-posts to more than two social media accounts for Free.

Also, note that both of the recommended auto-posting sites have a premium plan but I'm quite convinced that their basic plan would be enough for an average Social media user.

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Expect a review of both of these auto-posting sites soon on this blog.

Goodbye to Twitterfeed in Advance, you have served your purpose.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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