Mar 22, 2017

Download All Paid Android Google Playstore Apps For Free Without Rooting Or Tweaking Your Phone

download paid apps for free on playstore

This info just came today and i must say it is the Hottest News I've heard this year - 2017. We all were here when i reviewed the Top Expensive Apps on Google Playstore and we saw how costly apps could be with some been sold for over 29,000 Naira and others at about that range too.

I still remember the Get Rich application i reviewed here a week ago that costs over 23,000 Naira and does absolutely nothing,  I wondered how anyone would ever buy such a useless application at that extravagant price but now am no longer wondering how that is possible because the trick am going teach you now would give you access to download any amount of paid Google playstore app without paying a dime!. Special Thanks to my Tech Bro - Shelaf.

Words can not express how i feel right now, it is as though God just remembered me today.
I formatted my phone early today and lost all my apps, i was having the thought of using the Lucky Patcher Trick to get some paid apps for free, little did i know that i was just about to find the solution to a long-lived issue.

Am more than happy to announce to you all at that you can now get all Playstore Paid apps for free without tweaking or even rooting your device.
It's just so overwhelming, It doesn't have any complex procedure neither those it take time to get it running. With just a  simple installation of an App that would grant you this request of getting all apps for free, Your application download record would turn around for the best!.

Lets get it running;

% Download and Install "Appvn" app from this Link

% The App is already at it's latest version so you wouldn't have to go through any update, Open the app now and click on the top left menu button, Navigate to "Cai Dat" and click on it.
On the next menu you would click on "Cai dat ngon ngu" and then select English.
You would notice that the language of the app is now changed to English.

% Still on the Menu options, On the top you would see a Login button - Click on it and choose the Register option to register and then login, But i would advice you use the Sign in with Facebook option, that way you wouldn't have to fill any registration info hereby saving your time.

Now you are done with setting up the app, it was simple isn't it? It really was very simple.

To Download Google Playstore Paid Apps for Free follow the procedure below:

% Open your Play Store and search for the paid app you wish to download or you can also navigate through the paid apps section of play store and choose any of the app you want.

% Click on the app you want to download and scroll past the Reviews and locate the "Share" button, click on it and select the Appvn app from the list of options that would come up.

% Appvn application would now open with the app you selected on Play store, all you have to do now is click on the Download button and the paid app you selected would be downloaded to your phone for free. Once the download is complete you would be prompted to Install the application and once installed it you are now ready to use the app as you wish.

% To download more apps after the first one has installed or is still downloading, just press your phone's back button twice and you would be back on play store where you can select another paid app to download. You can always go back to playstore anytime and select a paid app and use the share button to share it to your Appvn and then download it for free.

Features of Appvn

% It is an Android Market application that has been customized to enable you get paid apps for free.

% It auto installs downloaded applications if your device has root access and granted to it.

% It is a free app that doesn't charge you either for registration or for the downloading of apps.

% It doesn't require busybox, xposed or any other tweak app to function neither does it work only on rooted phones. It is just the best!.

What are you still waiting for? Grab on your Sim and purchase a Night Plan or use any of these Free Browsing and start downloading those expensive applications that you've always wanted, this is your perfect and might be your only chance to achieve that.
Please don't just read and go, Share the post using the share buttons and Gist me about your progress using the Comment Box.... Contechsblog Always Cares.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


  1. Great article !!!thank you for posting this article, for more paid android games list please visit here

  2. I can't stop thanking Contechsblog for the good work, I really enjoyed this site since Saturday am here till today learning many things. Confy Scenty you are the Boss. Once again thank you very much.

    1. Yeah Yeah! You just motivated me... You're the bigger boss!


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