Mar 24, 2017

Tragedy As Earthquake Occurs In Jumia's Online Market Head Office

I was shocked when i got the news that Jumia the number one online market in Nigeria is under serious Earthquake, i couldn't hold my scream that i let it out so loud in agony that my friends living around rushed to me and inquired what had happened.
I couldn't speak neither could i write the tales of what i just saw, my friends got very worried and joined in wailing and shouting "Ohh Jumia! Why Our Number One Online Market?!!!.

We wailed and cried for our dear jumia for one hour before i finally agreed to show them the Headline of the news. Immediately they looked at the headline their wailing and crying tempo increased, They changed the topic of wailing to " If you've paid jumia for any goods and they've not delivered it yet, you better forget about it cause their head office has been destroyed by Earthquake ".

Panic was ignited among the residents on the street where we were crying, Different persons were asking us different questions like " Has the Earthquake stopped ?, Was the whole building destroyed ?, Did they say the phones department of the office was also affected ?, We were just giving them answers in random .

It wasn't until one man asked for the date the earthquake occurred that i decided to check the SMS i received for the date of occurrence, That was when we all saw the full content of the massage that reads:
" Earthquake On Jumia! Get 50% OFF laptops, TVs & more. Use FIRE100R to get extra 10k off HP 255 G5 laptop. Quick! Click now > " .

I wasn't able to keep count of the number of knocks that touched my head but am very sure it was over fifty, The 50% Off Jumia was offering was suddenly offered on my head while my friends took to their heed. Am typing this post with my head swollen with knocks from different kinds of hands ranging from young boys hands to the hands of those mature men that were present at the scene.

Please i want to also let you know that Jumia never experienced any disaster nor earthquake, most of us may have also received that jumia title misleading sms. It is only a figure of speech that was used there to show how blazing the 50% offer was.
Your Goods are still very safe with jumia and you can still make your orders at .

As for me, i only need one thing from you guys. If you know you like me and want me to continue posting the latest tech gist for you, please kindly Comment " You will get well soon ".
But if you know you like then take the extra step of Sharing this post so more eyes can see it and probably pay for the treatment of my Knock Fulfilled Head!.

If you by any chance you don't like me then you should know what to comment, only " Chaii Yaa" is enough to show your hatred.
If you read this post and laugh did not escape your mouth, i have no other advice than for you to visit your pastor because your case looks spiritual.

Fictional Story By Confy Scenty.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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