Oct 31, 2017

Etisalat 0.0 Free Browsing Cheat Works With Latest Stark VPN 4.4

The popular Etisalat 0.0 free browsing cheat we had used in the past is now working with the latest Stark VPN version 4.4. As you may already know, the Etisalat (9Mobile) free browsing stopped working on Anonytun sometime ago. But the good news is that the free browsing cheat is back and working on the new Stark VPN application.

Etisalat free browsing cheat with Stark VPN

The requirements for this free browsing are the same as before. All that is required is that you get an Etisalat SIM with 0.0k airtime balance and no active data bundle.

The setting for this free browsing is very simple, and wouldn't take much of your time, as long as you know what you're doing.

Stark VPN settings for Etisalat free browsing

Stark VPN 4.4 Settings for Etisalat Free Browsing

1. Get the mentioned requirements ready.
2. Download the latest Stark VPN > Here
3. Launch the installed Stark VPN and select the "Etisalat 60MB New" tweak.
4. Click on the connect button, once connected you can now start browsing and downloading for free.

Latest Etisalat free browsing cheat

Note; It is advisable that you set your network connection mode to either 3G or 4G. You should also make sure you meet all the requirements, else this cheat may not work for you.

Is this new Etisalat (9Mobile) free browsing cheat unlimited?
Well, I actually thought it was unlimited when a friend of mine downloaded files of about 500MB with this tweak. But to be honest, this free browsing may truly be capped at 60MB. Give it a try and share your experience with us while we hope that the MTN hammer VPN cheat we enjoyed makes a comeback.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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