Aug 10, 2016

How To Block A Particular App From Using Internet Connection On Android

restrict app from using data connection

How To Restrict An Application From Using Internet Connection

Am sure most of us must have been in a situation where we have limited data but don't want to miss out on your mails, you surely know that while your internet is on other background apps might use up the little data you kept to use for your mails, so what do you do?
I know you might be thinking of Restricting Background Data, but unfortunately that doesn't solve it because you would as well not receive your mails in background.

If you've used or own an iPhone then am sure you know it is capable of restricting individual apps from using data and allow the ones they wish to, Unfortunately that feature is not available on Android.

Android only allows you to restrict all apps from using data in background but you don't have the option of choosing an individual app to allow data access to.
But there's still full hope, Cause with the help an app called AFWALL+
you would be able to do it as it's done on iPhone and even better.

* What is Afwall+?
AFwall+ is an android app that enables an android user to restrict individual apps from using Mobile Data and Even WiFi Connection!

* Is Afwall+ a Free app?
Afwall+ has a free version as well as a Donate version.

* Where can i get this app?
Afwall+ can be gotten on Google Playstore, Its Donate version price can also be seen there.

* What are the requirements to use Afwall+?
Afwall+ needs Root access to work.


Download, Install and Open Afwall+ app
Go to each of the apps name and you should see three icons which are LAN, WIFI and MOBILE Data.

It is on whitelist by default so you should choose the Apps you want to allow Internet Access for, For Instance: you want to allow Whatsapp data access via WiFi but not via Mobile data, Then you should click only on the WiFi check box next to the Whatsapp app.

AFter selecting the apps, press your Menu key and Select "ENABLE FIREWALL" after which you click 'APPLY" and you are good to go.
That's all and you can enjoy your device with full control over Data enabled apps.

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Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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