Dec 5, 2016

Stream Whatsapp Videos Without Downloading It

I believe most of us already know that before now, Videos shared on Whatsapp could only be viewed after downloading them.
Well here comes the Good News, As you already know Whatsapp has been undergoing some major developments recently,
Last month Whatsapp released a new app version that enables us make Video Calls- Yea Video Call*
This is a feature we have been expecting on the Whatsapp app and fortunately it is finally here, You can now make Video Calls on Whatsapp.

Back to the Topic, With the improvements been done on Whatsapp regularly, We are now able to Stream whatsapp videos without downloading them just as it is done on Youtube.

To Stream Whatsapp Videos:
You don't have to do anything other than scroll to the Video you wish to Stream and simply click on the Play button rather than the download button and your Video should start playing.
Keep Enjoying And Expect More Info Soon***.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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