Feb 5, 2017

Funny Facts About Women That Will leave You Rolling With Laughter

Hello Contechs Fans! its being a while.
Just want to keep you informed with these Funny Facts about Women.
Women can sometimes behave in a way that can be really amusing or funny and totally opposite to a man's behaviour.

True But Funny Facts About Women

* A woman after visiting her girlfriend for weeks can return home, call the same friend and talk for two hours.

* Women can't refuse to answer a ringing phone, no matter what they're doing. It might be the lottery calling!!

* Women can devour a large pizza when they are alone, as opposed to the act they put up that they eat too little, when men are around.

* Women are bad at keeping secrets, and to top it they will not consider it untrustworthy when they only tell two or three people about it.

* Women can use their garages as a utility area to park their cars, store their worn-out appliances, not-in-use,exercise equipment etc.

* Women love to talk and talk, and then talk some more.

* Women hate to be ignored, especially by their significant others. Even if you are out with your friends or a group, you better be paying attention to your woman, or you may just pay for it when you get home. Also, if you start talking to someone you know, and we have never met them, you better introduce them right away or you are going to have one angry woman at your hand.

* Ever wondered how tropical rain-forest smells like? Well, you just need to visit the bathroom of a woman after she takes a shower, and you will know.
* Women check out their reflections on any shiny surface: mirrors, spoons, store windows, bald guys' heads, and even their own shadows.

* All women are overweight by birth. They always have some weight to lose, but don't think of bringing this up unless they really want to gain weight.

* There would ideally be 10 times the number of man's items in a typical woman's bathroom and a man would have a tough time identifying most of these items.

* It is mandatory for every woman that after taking a bath, she will grab a towel and make a turban on her head from it, at least for one minute. The reasons of such a weird ritual is still unknown.

* It is a myth that women bathe everyday: It is observed that no matter how much they profess cleanliness and hygiene, not all women bathe everyday. They rely on deodorants and perfumes to smell good.

* Women, no matter what size, are always going to be insecure about something on their body. Even super models will have one thing on their body that they may not like or that they are insecure about, even if they never admit it to anybody.

* A handbag is an essential accessory for a woman and if she does not carry it, she feels extremely awkward.
* Women tend to ask questions that have no right answer or have no answer at all, and if you do answer they won't agree, and make you feel guilty.

* Women need to cry. And they usually do it in front of someone, so that you can hear them.

* Women love a bargain, even if they don't need the item. So, if they see a purse that is almost exactly like one they already have, but it has been marked down 75%, they are going to most likely buy it because women think they saved money on it!!

Do you agree to these facts about women, Haha! Please use the Comment Box.

Credits: Samuel (Co-Author)



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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