Mar 9, 2017

Contechs Blog Wishes To Appreciate You All With This Good News

Yeah Guys, am so very happy to announce to you that you can now visit Contechs Blog directly with the URL, this means that you no longer need to go through the hassle of typing ( That's Old School ).

I am privileged to have nice and supportive visitors like you by my side, it was never easy.
I want to also thank you all that started or joined this site while it was still at a blogspot domain, I sincerely appreciate. You guys motivated me, you taught me how to be me. Each time i wake up and feel that am giving up on myself, a thought always comes to my mind reminding me of you guys who looked up to me.

The reason why Contechs was started and left and on a blogspot domain for months was for a Research, a research you all have helped me in one way or the other to get results.

Now I feel it's time we moved forward, Forward to this current era of Technology where Techies are born everyday. An Era where Contechs Blog would make a difference, a difference we can accomplish only as a Team.

Contechs Blog is an Inspiration, A Technological one i would say, The idea for Contechs arrived on the month of December 2015 and was implemented immediately though not effective until August 2016.
We have suffered some setbacks but those would were the hills we had to climb to properly see the mountain ( Don't get me wrong - We are still Climbing ).

Today marks a special day in the life of every Contechs Fan, a day we all shall one day celebrate joyously. I truly appreciate!.

I won't fail to acknowledge some people that had motivated either by their works, advice or even character, most of them I've never met but I can tell you they are like my Brothers online. Few of these persons are;

* Wisdom Obioha Of Wizytechs; His a Brother and Friend to me, I knew him online and worked with him even before the idea of Contechs Blog. I hope he still gets the memory of his one time ' Best Whatsapp Admin (Confy) '.

* Funsho Kolawole Of Shelaf; Before Wizytechs he was and still is, a man most people look up to, a man that has made an impact in tech blogging, an Inspirational Speaker! Confy Scenty sends his regards.

There are so many other Top Tech Bloggers that inspired and motivated me, some whom may not even know they did. I still wish to Thank them all and also wish them the best.

To all upcoming Techies, i just one advice for you..... " Make sure its your field' It is never an easy process but once you're determined, then at the end you would surely be glad you did".

I can't seem to Thank you my Fans enough, but i only promise to be the best for you all. Expect Spectacular information that would inform and educate you everytime you visit Contechs Blog.

Contechs Blog would surely make a difference and you would be the Header of the Success story.
Don't forget, It's now



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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