Mar 18, 2017

Working Free Browsing Cheats 2017 - MTN, Airtel, Etisalat, Glo

This is the latest list of 2017 working glo, airtel, etisalat and mtn free browsing cheats which are used in place of the etisalat remote tweak that just got blocked.

The Etisalat remote tweak that unveiled just a week ago has stopped working since yesterday evening, it came as a shock and surprise to me cause i was actually downloading a game when suddenly it disconnected. I tried all i could to reconnect it but to no avail then i knew that it has finally been blocked.
free browsing cheat 2017

The good thing about it was that many of us really enjoyed it while it was alive and working, some of us upgraded our devices with it and even installed heavy games and apps in our smartphones.
I also know that most of us lost track of the amount we used but the fact is that there wasn't anyone that follows Contechsblog that used below 2 GB, even if you didn't have premium.

Those of you that just got to know about this free browsing and may not have even used up to 200 MB before it got blocked, i promise to make it up to you soon with a better one. Also some of you that may be in the same shoe as i am, i mean those who just paid for premium some hours or even minutes before the tweak got blocked.  You should just be active on this site and make sure you check regularly because the tweak may be revived soon or a new one provided.

Nevertheless, you all should still be making use of these working free browsing tweaks and Night plans till we find you better options.

Alternatives To Etisalat Remote Tweak Free Browsing

1. Etisalat Chatpak: We had been making use of this even before the availability of the remote tweak and fortunately for us it is still working very well even after the demise of the remote free browsing. Though this Chatpak free browsing requires you to subscribe to a Chatpak Bundle it is still a very good alternative at this moment.
See the Etisalat Chatpak Free Browsing Settings Here .

2. Glo 0.0kobo: The father of all free browsing, i have even lost record of how long this free browsing has been available yet it is still working flawlessly once you have a very good network coverage. If not for the poor network coverage Glo has, no one would have been buying a data bundle cause this glo 0.0k free browsing is fully unlimited and doesn't require any subscription before use. Click Here For Glo 0.0 Settings.

3. Etisalat 0.0(60MB): This cheat has been around for some time now on the etisalat, it is very fast in browsing though we can't really use it to download large files because it is capped at 60MB data daily, See the settings for Etisalat 0.0 here.

4. Night Plans: These had always been our savior in times like this, we use it to update our apps and games in order to save our data bundles for our daily browsing. Well it's time we went back to using them since we would soon be updating the apps and games we had downloaded.
Click here for Night Plans on MTN, Glo, Etisalat and Airtel network .

5. Other Testable Tweaks: This one's are those that used to work but hasn't been recently used to it's current state now, you can give them a try as there is always no harm in trying.
Test MTN 0.0kobo 2017 Free Browsing
Test Airtel 0.0k Free Browsing On Tweakware
Tweak Etisalat 1 GB IMEI

That's all the alternatives to the just stopped Etisalat remote tweak we have for now, you don't need to buy a premium server to use those tweaks as you could easily browse unlimitedly with them  on tweakware using this Free Server Trick. If you are lucky you would receive your own Free 500MB Etisalat Data or Free 200MB for downloading as i received.
Keep enjoying the available ones while we hope for the best. Use the comment box and share with us the free browsing cheat you're currently using.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


  1. Hummm I don't know which of the cheat to try now

    1. That shouldn't be a problem, you could try them one after the other till you find the one that suits your needs.

  2. don't be confused, select your choice

  3. IT take a professional good time to make an update like this, keep up the nice work ...

    1. You're cool bro, Thanks for the complement.

  4. First of all i admire your blog interface and as well thumbs up for the write up


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