Apr 12, 2017

Download Latest Tweakware 6.0 For Free Browsing On Android

An update has been released for the popular tweakware vpn app, this new tweakware version 6.0 is different from the older tweakware 5.9 with just some server updates.
The other time i told you that the tweakware app has 26 free servers but on this latest version of the app the free servers has been increased to 30 (excluding the first SG free server).
Tweakware working free browsing tweaks 2017
The free browsing  tweaks that were available on the previous version are still working very well on this new version, they also do not require any additional or complex settings to work. All that is required is that you follow the procedures explained here and your free browsing would start running immediately.

Currently there are about four working free browsing options on tweakware but only two are reliable, these two are the Glo 0.0 kobo free browsing and the Etisalat 0.0 tweak, another working free browsing is the Etisalat Chatpak though i haven't used it recently to confirm it's stability.
Download the latest tweakware 6.0 here and continue blazing the available free browsing tweaks, once a new one comes out i would update you guys.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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