Apr 8, 2017

Whatsapp Video And Text Status - Which Do You Prefer

If you use Whatsapp, I mean if you really use Whatsapp then you must have known that the text status that was removed from the application has been brought back because some many users preferred it to the new video/photo status. There's this special thing about Whatsapp text statuses, it sends a massage, this is not to say that the photo/video status doesn't send a massage, it's just that the text status was what we started with and we love it.
Latest Whatsapp tips and tricks

I also make use of the new video status because it allows you show what you're currently doing or thinking about, in one word "It shows your status".
The text status allows you talk about your current state of mind or action, it doesn't show it rather it tells it but let's say we've used it long enough to understand all what it says.

Both of the statuses have their best occasions, the video status is best used to show what you are doing at a particular time (maybe this is why it only lasts for 24hrs, cause no one would be doing a particular for more than a day) while the text status is best used to express one's thought or state of mind, and it can last for as long as possible.

Actually a person can be in a particular state of mind for as long possible, i remember when i used "Thanking God for Life" as my text status for almost a month and yes, I have every cause to use that status for even more than the time i used it because i was always thanking God for life.
However, the truth of the matter is that the video or photo status is better than the text status, you can tell your feelings using by typing it as the caption of the photo, but if you wish for a lasting status then the text status is your best bet.
How to use whatsapp video status

Those are my opinions about the Whatsapp status feature, I would like to know which of the both you prefer. You can tell us using the comment box.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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