May 12, 2017

Best 2017 Night Browsing Data Plans On Etisalat, Airtel, MTN, Glo

I want to list the latest 2017 etisalat, airtel, mtn and glo night browsing data plans that can be used to save data cost on large downloads by browsing and downloading at a cheaper rate in the early hours of the morning and weekends on any internet enabled device such as a computer or a smartphone.

How to subscribe for night data browsing plan on all networks 2017

This is a selection of the night browsing plans i feel are the most reliable, they are arranged in descending order where the first network is the most reliable and the last, the least.
From this post arrangement you would know which network that has the best and reliable night plan in consideration of speed, cost, validity, and zapping rate.

Best 2017 Night Browsing Data Plans:

1. Airtel Night Browsing;The Airtel night browsing plan is on top of the list because it offers you two options of data bundles to choose from, it has the 500MB plan which is sold for just N25 and the 1.5GB plan that you can buy for just N200 .

Airtel's network is very fast and from my experience the night bundle does not zap, it also reaches it's validity time unlike some other networks that stops you from browsing when the data validity period hasn't elapsed.
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How To Buy Airtel Night Plans
1. Dial *312# and select option 1 to migrate to Airtel SmartTrybe.

2. Dial the code again but select option 3, you would be faced with two data options, input 1 and send to subscribe for 500MB with N25 Charge or send 2 to get 1.5GB for N200 .

3. The validity period of the Airtel night plan is from 12AM - 5AM and It is not renewable the same night.

2. Etisalat Night Plan;The second place on this list is what etisalat truly deserves, it's internet speed is the fastest amongst all other networks, but it couldn't come top of this list because it has limited​ options of plans and it's night plan is not as cheap as that of Airtel.

The etisalat night plan gives you 1GB worth of data for N200 and it's validity period is within 12AM to 5AM .

How To Sub For Etisalat Night Browsing

1. Dial *229*3*11# and you would be given 1GB data valid from 12AM - 5AM .

2. The plan costs N200 and is renewable.
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3. MTN Night Bundle;MTN night browsing plan is affordable and the speed is cool, you might be asking why it's on number 3 on this list, that is because recently MTN stops their night browsing plan when it is still the validity time.

The data doesn't zap but it does not get to the promised 500MB neither.
MTN's night plan was the first to launch before other networks joined the race, but now they are falling behind in terms of reliability.

How To Subscribe For MTN Night Plan
1. Migrate to MTN Pulse by dialling *406#

2. Send NIGHT as an SMS to 131

3. You would receive a success message and N25 would be deducted from your account.

4. Glo Night And Weekend Plan;The slow connectivity the glo network in some areas is the reason why it's at the last number the ranking, aside that the glo night data plan is an interesting offer, the exciting part is that it can also be used on weekends.

The price is moderate at N500 for a whooping 3GB of data usable on both nights and weekends.
Speed is the problem though the offer is  very good and i prefer using it on weekends.

How To Buy Glo Weekend And Night Plan
1. Dial *127*61# to subscribe

2. You would be debited of N500 and 3GB of data would be allocated to you.

3. The data bundle is valid for 7 Days and usable on Nights and Weekends .
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My part is done, now it's your turn to make the choice of the plan that best suits your needs with consideration to the speed of the network in your location and your data budget.
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Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.

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