Jun 21, 2017

Confy Scenty Is Plus One Today - More Inspiration

Wow! Am short of words, I've used all my vocabulary on my other posts! kidding..
Guys Today is my Birthday and am very glad it is...... Today - some far years ago.... "Confy Scenty was born to give meaning to Tech" (Tonye's Quote), He Came, He Saw and He Created...

Confy Scenty's Birthday

You my visitors are my inspiration and today marks a new dawn for improvement and advancement on ConTechsblog, it is with great joy that i thank you all for being by my side as we went through the journey of technology, a journey that never ends because Tech has no limit.

Today is that day i talked about, that day when the world shall know the true value of tech, that day Tech shall be appreciated and welcomed with open arms around the world...
Today is my day and the day of every visitor on this blog, I wish myself the best! I wish myself more Inspiration! I wish for greater zeal and knowledge in Techs.

Wish me what you feel is right, am sure your wishes are blessings...
Am glad you're here... However if you want your cake, come and collect it in my house.. lols
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Bless you all for being by my side, Bless you.
Keep your wishes coming.....

Confy Scenty 
(ConTechsblog Admin).



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


  1. Happy Birthday Bro.....More 💰💶💷💸💲💴💵 to your Adsense😂😂😂

  2. Happy birthday Bro... Many more years to come

    Commenting from winnyzblog.com

  3. Many more years to come bro. Congrats and more success/life...

    1. Lex Bro, You've made my day... Bless you

  4. Hbd bro. Wullnp
    And more funds.

  5. Happy birthday bro..

    Commenting from techvsentz.com

  6. happy Birtday My Friend More Years to Come...

  7. Olamide Adewale21/6/17 6:10 PM

    happy Birthday bro ..

  8. Happy birthday day to you! More blessings and wisdom, cheers!

  9. Happy Birthday bro wax in Grace.


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