Jun 22, 2017

Whatsapp Continues Working On Blackberry, Java Phones Till 2018

WhatsApp has extended it's support for Blackberry and Java phones till the end of 2017, this means that users of the operating systems mentioned will continue to use whatsapp until 2018.

Whatsapp has evolved from an ordinary social media to being one of the best social platforms ever used on mobile devices, it competes with other platforms as Google Plus, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram and lot others.

However whatsapp broke the hearts of blackberry, java and even older versions of Android and iOS mobile users when they announced that support for the social app would soon be disconnected on the OSes.
Whatsapp later added some more time to the stipulated date of it's discontinuation on the listed operating systems of which the new date was set to 30th of June.

Whatsapp working on blackberry

Fortunately for both blackberry and Java (including Symbian S40) phone users, Whatsapp has announced that it would continue to work on the devices as well as release updates until 30th of December 2017.
This is truly good news to every individual that would have been affected if whatsapp had stopped working on the mentioned mobile devices as earlier announced.

Click here to read a review and learn about new whatsapp features, designs, tips and tricks.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


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