Jun 3, 2017

New Etisalat Unlimited Free Browsing Cheat With Freedom App - See Settings

Etisalat unlimited free browsing cheat is back and blazing with Freedom app on Android, This isn't capped at 60 MB like the Etisalat 0.0 rather it is unlimited and very fast in downloading.

Etisalat free browsing cheat

This cheat has just been tweaked so it's still blazing as i type this post, and we hope it stays for a very long time to enable us all download the internet into our phones, PC's and tablets.
It doesn't require airtime to work and does not have any complex procedures to set up, all you need to do is follow the steps below and you would be blazing in no time.

Your-Freedom app is the machine that would be used to power this free browsing, it is an app that has been saving lives and is here to do that again, See Freedom VPN settings for Glo 0.0 here.


#1 Your-Freedom app
#2 An Etisalat line
#3 Good internet signal
#4 Your Android phone
#5 64 GB Free Memory (for downloads)

How To Set Up

1. Download and install your-Freedom apk here
2. Download Etisalat unlimited browsing configuration file, extract the files after download using Es file explorer pro
3. Open your freedom app and click on Configure

Etisalat free browsing 2017

4. Select Backup/Restore and click Load Config

Etisalat unlimited free browsing cheat

5. Select the extracted Etisalat Unlimited folder and select any of the files
Etisalat browsing cheat
6. Click Load and it would display a Config read from...... is successful message
7. Go back to the home screen and click on Start Connection
8. Your freedom app would connect and you start browsing and downloading as you wish.

Don't fail to share and comment, Lets blaze while it lasts, Click here to use it on PC.
Drop your comments if it works for you or if you face any issue with installation, connection or powering apps.



Confy Scenty is a Unique Tech Blogger whose aim is to make an impact in Technology. Tech is my passion, it is my calling and I'm always happy to answer to it.


  1. Replies
    1. It's working bro but i forgot to state something very important, just stay online for the info.

    2. Confy Why did you post a Configuration File Zip that has nothing inside?

    3. Hello Sunny, there are files in the zip file.
      Extract it with Es file Explorer, the app is available here, just search Es pro.

  2. It said configi corrupt

    1. Don't bother connecting it if it's not working for you, you can try this new MTN Myapp cheat .


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